After playing with Harry, we looped up towards Cook Park in Tigard. On the way, I called my mom to wish her a Happy Mother's Day. Turns out, I called too early, and woke my mom up. Sorry mom, didn't mean to wake you. =p Finally, we arrived at Cook Park, turned around, and made our way home.
Remember earlier, when Harry's person said "he's gonna sleep well"? Well, he was right, Quigley did sleep very well....just in the middle of the day, instead. =) It was kind of a "pack nap". Lucky for us, Quigley is generally very relaxed and calm when we're all resting on the living room floor.
We were all refreshed and ready to enjoy the rest of the day after our nap. We picked up some food at the nearby Aloha Grill, and then drove to Atfalati Park after some miscommunication about going to Jurgens and Avery Park. Atfalati is a nice big park, with some playing fields, tennis courts, hills, and a playground. We walked up the hill to find a nice spot to sit. It was kind of tough with all the goose droppings everywhere. Finally we settled down and had our lunch. After lunch, Quigley and I played fetch a little bit. The funny thing is, he seemed to want Kath to play too! Instead of bringing the ball back to me, he would bring it to Kath. =) He always wants to play with EVERYONE, I tell ya. =) After getting a little tired, and from the heat too, I'm sure, we finally just sat down and rested. There were a few other dogs that came around too, but Quigley was pretty satisfied and tired to go running after them. If only every day were as easy to tire you out, Q. Here's a picture of Q trying to take cover from the sun with me under one of our beach blankets.
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