We started off the day with our 10K training run, with Quigley tagging along. This time we ran the path from Tualatin Community Park towards Durham City Park. It was a particularly good dog-day, as Quigley got to meet a number of great dogs while we were out there.
For breakfast, we ventured over to the Waffle Window for the tasty treat you see above. Called "The Three Bs", it has Bacon, Brie and Basil on it. Oh so yummy! While we waited, we met a cute older dog named "Mandu" (sp?), and Quigley was quick to try and play. Mandu's human friend was very responsible and checked to make sure that Quigley was vaccinated before letting his dog play, and then happily let the two dogs have a little romp in the parking lot. Mandu had been used to romping around at "Puppy Romp", a supervised Sunday play session for puppies. His owner couldn't recommend it more. We'll be looking into that for Q in the near future.
After breakfast, we walked along Hawthorne. Quigley was greeted by many people, and he did really well, even with younger children. Pictured above is Q waiting for Kath in front of a store on Hawthorne.
During the walk, we ventured down to the Fred Meyer store, and I asked Kath to wait with Quigley outside. Well, I bought her the above flowers.... and when I came out, she told me how allergic she is to them! DOH!
Next, we ventured up to Laurelhurst Park. We walked all long the paths, and enjoyed the park thoroughly. In the above photos, you'll see Quigley watching an older German Shepard from a distance, watching some ducks, and surprisingly, NOT chasing a squirrel! We met a few people, but mostly the park was pretty quiet. We did let Quigley run around a little bit and play fetch, but only with his really long leash on.
On the way home, we decided to stop at Burgerville to try their Rosemary Fries. They satisfied our French-Fry craving nicely, and as an added bonus, they gave Quigley a doggie biscuit!

We decided to work off those fries by taking Q for a walk around Tualatin. During our walk, we encountered even more "wildlife". First was a bunch of ducks at a "DUCK XING". From the picture above, you can see that the "X" is for "HULA HOOP". =) When we got to the Tualatin Commons, Quigley got to meet the kittens you see above. They didn't seem to want to play with Quigley, as they just sat there. =) Maybe another time, we'll be able to introduce you to some real kittens, Q, depending on how well you behave, anyways.
Later that night, Jay stopped by on his way back to Seattle. We all went to dinner for Kath's birthday at Hayden's Lakefront Grill, by the Commons, near where Q met the "kittens". The evening ended nicely with some wine and créme bruleé.
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