Our first stop was to the information booth to try and locate a food booth with wedgie fries that were so good last season. Sadly, they are no longer at the market. We also checked for a pottery vendor that we'd seen last year. The very helpful attendant recognized who we were talking about, but unfortunately, that vendor was not at the Market at the time. Oh well, maybe next time. =(
As we made our way into the crowd, Quigley was met by a few admirers, including a young couple who have a friend who is also named Quigley. =) As we briefly chatted, Quigley was apparently thirsty, and found some beer that had spilled on the ground. Geez Q, you're too young for that!
My thirst and hunger came reeling back, so we headed towards the full food booth-area. Unsure of what to eat, we decided to brave a single-pass through the area to view our choices. We decided to get some gyros from one of the Greek places, so we made our way back through the crowd to find the end of what was the longest line there! Q was surprisingly calm, and either sat or lay down patiently by us. And he hadn't yet had his lunch! I don't know if he was truly patient or if it was just sensory overload, but he barely barked or caused any nuisance. One girl even commented on how well trained he was....and then the puppy teeth came out. :) That was more like a puppy.
Even with the flow of people in the area, so many people noticed Q and either stopped to pet him or simply said that he was cute. It's amazing how much draw a puppy has, even when lying down in a very crowded area. =) Even with the attention he was getting, and all of the people walking past him, Q was always keen to watch for other dogs. He would get up to try and say "Hi", and on occasion was successful.
Once we got our food, we found an open space on the grass along the park. Once we stopped, Q staked our claim by promptly squatting down and doing his business. Thanks Q. At least nobody would want to encroach on our area after that. =) After we had lunch, we ventured into the fray to do some shopping.
Q followed Kath throughout the market pretty well considering how busy it was. Granted, I did have him on a tight leash, so that may have had something to do with it, but overall he did a good job of following. We stopped at a few locations, and Q did very well, just waiting patiently near the booth entrances with me. Of course, the puppy magnet was still active, and he pulled a few people in to pet him, while others spontaneously said "Cute Puppy" as they walked by. While shopping, we found out about the "Doggie Dash" on May 15. It's a big run/walk that supports the Oregon Humane Society where you can take your dog along and have a great time exercising and socializing. We hope to take part in it this year. Apparently there's also a pancake breakfast included. Bonus! If you're interested in joining our team, let us know. =)
To end the day, we spent some time walking among and admiring the cherry blossoms. It reminded us of our trip to Japan last year. With the weather to great, the scenery so beautiful, it was the perfect way to end our day at the market.
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